Exposure to pollution is a known risk factor for human health. At Harley St. Hair Centre, we discovered an increase in young customers that were recently shifted to metro cities are presenting with prickling in the scalp, heavy dandruff, itching, oily scalp, and pain in the hair roots.
This phenomenon is known as “Sensitive Scalp Syndrome”, resulting from exposure to increasing levels of air pollution in Thailand. This so called air pollution includes PM2.5 (particulate matter), smoke, dust, PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and others that tend to settle on scalp and hair.
PM2.5 affects hair health in several ways.
Causes Hair Loss
Causes sensitive scalp syndrome
Causes build-up of scalp impurities, leading to sensitive scalp, dandruff, weak hair root, and hair loss.
Indoor air conditioned environments cause VOC (volatile organic compounds) released from various sources that settle on the scalp as well.
The air pollutants migrate into the scalp through the dermis (skin layer), leading to oxidative stress and hair loss.
Another alarming discovery is that hair loss due to air pollutants can mimic Androgenic Alopecia or Male Pattern Hair Loss.
Harley St. Hair Centre highly recommend all customers to get a hair and scalp health check every time (or at least once a month) before you proceed with the bespoke treatment during your visit. Our Hair Specialist has spotted many changes in customers’ scalp condition due to the effects of air pollutants (especially PM2.5) in Bangkok area. After a thorough checkup, our Hair Specialist will recommend you the hair regimen that will help you achieve a better scalp and hair health. (Credit: Harley St. Hair Centre)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.