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Bang Rak, Bangkok, 10500


Here at Harley St. Hair Centre, we have a selection of world-class Scientists, Trichologists, and experienced Chemists at our disposal to help you  combat hair loss, premature receding / thinning of hair and advanced progressive baldness. 


Medication & Hair Loss

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Certain medications can temporarily inhibit hair growth, and your hair will grow back after dose adjustment or cessation. Some may induce male or female pattern baldness and cause permanent hair loss. The reason why they may do so is that they cause damage to your hair follicle. Damage to hair follicle causes disruption in the normal hair growth cycle and hence leads to hair loss. Different types of drugs can induce hair loss through a number of mechanisms.
Drugs such as oral contraceptives can cause levels of hormone to fluctuate, leading to female pattern baldness. The following drug types may lead to Telogen effluvium: Beta-blockers, blood thinners, ACE inhibitors, anti-depressants or even high doses of Vitamin A. It is important to consult your doctor or pharmacist about the potential side effects of the drugs you are taking.